Scientific Name:
Shoulder Height Male:
Shoulder Height Female:
Average Male Weight:
Average Weight Female:
Mating Season:
The White Rhino, through much effort by hunters and conservationists has increased in numbers sufficiently to once again be hunted in South Africa. The Black Rhino (Diceros bicomis) has not made such a successful comeback and is still highly protected.
The White Rhino or square-lipped rhino is much larger than the Black or hook-lipped rhino weighing in at as much as two and one-half tons. He has a broader and longer head and a prominent hump in the shoulder region.
The White Rhino is an exclusive grazer, social in nature and relatively docile except when mating or protecting their young. The Rhino can live as long as 40 years.
The smaller Black Rhino can be identified by his smaller, shorter head and rounder ears; he has a distinct prehensile or hooked upper lip. He is an exclusive browser. The Black Rhino weighs in at just about a ton and can be much more aggressive than his cousin the White Rhino. He has been known to charge without provocation.
Both species and both sexes carry two continuously growing dense hair like horns. Dominant breeding bulls can be very territorial.
Possessed of extremely good hearing and a well-developed sense of smell, their eyesight is poor making them fairly easy to approach from downwind if your stalk is done slowly and quietly. This member of the Big Five has very thick skin thus larger caliber rifles with well-constructed bullets are the order of the day. Solids would always be a good choice for their excellent penetration but remember to be cognizant of what is behind your target, as this type bullet will often exit. Once again look to the PH for guidance.
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